easy to understand

I’ve written this book in easy to understand English.  English being our family language.  It is not just for children, but for dog lovers all over the world, and the fact that my Master is a bit out of the ordinary and likes to be on the road in his camper as much as possible, enabled me to enjoy and experience a lot more adentures than my brothers and sisters could ever dream of.

Buchcover Chico's adventures, Cover des Buches
Chico’s adventures Cover des Buches

    Gerne mit persönlicher handschriftlicher Widmung. Handsigniert von Chico & Peter Henderson.

    einfaches Englisch

    Ich habe dieses Buch in einem einfachen Englisch geschrieben.  Es ist nicht nur für Kinder gedacht, sondern ebenso für Hundeliebhaber auf der ganzen Welt.
    Informationen für Interessierte, die dieses Buch lesen möchten, finden Sie unter www.chicos-adventures.de .

    Für jene, die es bevorzugen, das Buch per Karte oder Brief anzufordern und die eine persönliche Widmung schätzen, würde Chico sich sehr freuen, wenn Sie ihm ein Foto von sich und Ihrem Haustier für seine Pinnwand zusenden:

    (Chico’s Adventures, c/o Henderson, Postfach 59, D – 85227  Markt Indersdorf,  Germany.)

    Chico's adventures, englische Tiergeschichten
    Chico’s adventures, englische Tiergeschichten

      Gerne mit persönlicher handschriftlicher Widmung. Handsigniert von Chico & Peter Henderson.

      From the very first day …

      chico's adventures: chico vor einer englischen Telefonzelle
      chico’s adventures: Chico vor einer Telefonzelle

      From the very first day when Anthony left me, sitting in the car with Master, I knew he had gone.
      I just sat there and howled and howled. I was so unhappy. Master did nothing, he just sat there, too.

      Then suddenly, he started to howl with me and for a long time we both howled together.

      That was when we had our first chat and I knew he would always look after  me and protect me. When I’m out with him on the lead, he is always talking to me, saying sometimes stupid things. But when I can hear his voice, I know, that everything is okay.

      Sometimes when I get tired I just lie down in the grass and he lies down beside me to have one of our little chats. He just seems to know exactly what I’m thinking about. So that is how this book came into being.Of course, I can’t hold a pencil in my paw, so master had written it down for me.
      This is an unusual, but true story about my life and my dreams.


        Gerne mit persönlicher handschriftlicher Widmung. Handsigniert von Chico & Peter Henderson.


        Gerne können Sie das Buch Chico’s Adventures oder My Life before you came along bei mir ganz bequem auf Rechnung bestellen. Teilen Sie mir einfach Ihren Namen und die Anschrift mit.

          Gerne mit persönlicher handschriftlicher Widmung. Handsigniert von Chico & Peter Henderson.


          About the Author

          Peter Henderson-Doe has always been connected with the Gastronomie.
          His last job in the UK was as F & B Manager at the Randolph Hotel in Oxford.
          He has worked and travelled widely in UK and Europe, including stints in
          Scotland, Ireland, Austria, Italy and France as well as two years with Seiler
          Hotels in Zermatt, Switzerland, where his love for the mountains became an
          important factor in his life. Back again in England, but he couldn’t settle, so
          1972 saw him back on the Continent to be near the mountains he loved.

          This time a management position for a well known Swiss Gastronome in
          Munich just in time for the Olympic Games. However, he couldn’t run fast
          enough. The German girls were faster, so he stayed, this time adding another
          string to his bow – Squash Trainer –

          Life is full of “ups and downs” and you never know what is round the next corner.
          In Stuttgart he ran a noble English Night Club which helped him, as a single
          parent, to take care of his two children for some time until he met Ursula, his 2nd wife.
          At last he had somebody to share his “ups and downs” with. Finally in the eighties he
          saw sense and became a teacher, teaching gastronomie subjects and English.

          He has had a few, but not very successful attempts, as a hobby freelance journalist
          writing for American Paragliding and Skiing Magazines. But he can’t be sure they
          were ever published. In the eighties he was a pioneer at the start of Paragliding
          and considers that he is lucky to have survived. He finally stopped four years ago.
          Once again – he couldn’t run fast enough. This sport gave him some incredibly
          beautiful bird’s eye views from Nepal to Norway and on the way he met up with
          a great bunch of extroverts. God bless you guys. Especially Miro and Hans-Peter.

          Some might say that he has a tick about “fringe sports”. Since 2008 he has been
          an ardent and active supporter of Racketlon, the ‘Iron Man of Racquet Sports’
          and travels to the European Tournaments with Chico, his personal trainer, in
          his chauffeur driven camper.


          Regretably, he didn’t take up golf until in his mid-forties when he was working
          in Scotland and Ireland. In spite of his limited financial means he has still managed
          to play many of the world’s top courses.

          Some of his more successful retired friends are now driving Z 3’s or red Alfa Spiders,
          but he has remained true to his student days and is more than happy, when he is
          sitting up high and buzzing around the countryside on his new red scooter.

            Gerne mit persönlicher handschriftlicher Widmung. Handsigniert von Chico & Peter Henderson.

            About this book

            Sit down, relax and join Chico in his everyday, carefree canine world.

            In Chico’s world everything is still okay. He doesn’t watch TV.
            So he doesn’t experience the Struggles for Power, the Greed of

            Big Business’, the Violence and the unnecessary Killing.

            If Chico meets a friendly stranger, he knows and feels at once
            if this person likes dogs. He will spend some time with them
            and when leaving say goodbye in the proper fashion, by giving
            his paw. It doesn’t worry him at all, what this stranger’s Race,
            Religion or Sexual Preference is, or how they are dressed.


            Chico’s Foot Print:

            faviYou may have noticed that the pad in the middle of Chico’s paw print has the shape of a heart. This is no co-incidence.

            Chico always  has his heart in the right place and this logohas been specially designed for him.


            This book is not for you if you are not an animal person.

            In order to enjoy this book it is important that the reader has an affiliation and affection for animals.
            Chico’s Adventures is not an inexpensive book, but it is, in it’s way a unique book.

            How to read this book:

            This is not the sort of book one reads from cover to cover.
            Of course, you can. But it is better to start at the beginning

            to find out who Chico is, then select a chapter or two at random.

            Curl up on your sofa with a  cup of tea or even a
            single malt, with your own canine friend nearby,
            then take your time reading it and let it slowly
            sink in.


            Taschenbuch: 130 Seiten
            Verlag: Independently published (5. März 2020)
            Sprache: Englisch
            ISBN-13: 979-8621674113
            Größe und/oder Gewicht: 15,2 x 0,8 x 22,9 cm

              Gerne mit persönlicher handschriftlicher Widmung. Handsigniert von Chico & Peter Henderson.


              Buch Israel Trail mit Herz bei Peter Henderson
              Buch Israel Trail mit Herz bei Peter Henderson

              Gerne möchte ich Ihnen auch das Buch „Israel Trail mit Herz“ von Christian Seebauer ans Herz legen. Christian – der mir hier auf meinen Webseiten und auch bei meinem Buch Chico’s Adentures sehr geholfen hat – schreibt einen hochemotionalen Reisebericht. Ganz allein und ohne Geld hat er sich nach Israel aufgemacht, um dort einen der schönsten und härtesten Fernwanderwege der Welt zu begehen. Was er mit nach Hause gebracht hat, sind bewegende Geschichten über die vielen Menschen, die ihm auf seiner Reise Brot und Wasser geschenkt haben.

              Das Buch ist überhaupt kein Buch für Extremwanderer, sondern eher eines für christliche orientierte Menschen. Auch für solche, die selbst nicht wandern. Ein Buch zum Sentimental werden. Und garantiert auch ein tolles Geschenk. Es geht um Selbstfindung, den eigenen Glauben. Und es geht darum, die einfachen Dinge des Lebens wieder in aller Dankbarkeit zu schätzen. Ich bin gerade dabei, das Buch ins Englische zu übersetzen.

              Sie können es in der Deutschen Version gerne auch gleich hier (mit)bestellen (EUR 19,95). Christian schreibt – wenn Sie möchten – persönliche Widmungen, die das Buch für Sie oder als Geschenk absolut einzigartig machen.

                Mit persönlicher handschriftlicher Widmung. Handsigniert von Christian Seebauer