I’ve written this book in easy to understand English. English being our family language. It is not just for children, but for dog lovers all over the world, and the fact that my Master is a bit out of the ordinary and likes to be on the road in his camper as much as possible, enabled me to enjoy and experience a lot more adentures than my brothers and sisters could ever dream of.
Ich habe dieses Buch in einem einfachen Englisch geschrieben. Es ist nicht nur für Kinder gedacht, sondern ebenso für Hundeliebhaber auf der ganzen Welt.
Informationen für Interessierte, die dieses Buch lesen möchten, finden Sie unter www.chicos-adventures.de .
Für jene, die es bevorzugen, das Buch per Karte oder Brief anzufordern und die eine persönliche Widmung schätzen, würde Chico sich sehr freuen, wenn Sie ihm ein Foto von sich und Ihrem Haustier für seine Pinnwand zusenden:
From the very first day when Anthony left me, sitting in the car with Master, I knew he had gone.
I just sat there and howled and howled. I was so unhappy. Master did nothing, he just sat there, too.
Then suddenly, he started to howl with me and for a long time we both howled together.
That was when we had our first chat and I knew he would always look after me and protect me. When I’m out with him on the lead, he is always talking to me, saying sometimes stupid things. But when I can hear his voice, I know, that everything is okay.
Sometimes when I get tired I just lie down in the grass and he lies down beside me to have one of our little chats. He just seems to know exactly what I’m thinking about. So that is how this book came into being.Of course, I can’t hold a pencil in my paw, so master had written it down for me.
This is an unusual, but true story about my life and my dreams.
Gerne können Sie das Buch Chico’s Adventures oder My Life before you came along bei mir ganz bequem auf Rechnung bestellen. Teilen Sie mir einfach Ihren Namen und die Anschrift mit.